New Search Engine

Google first made a name for itself by producing an excellent search engine. Over the years, Google has expanded its scope beyond the original search engine, acquiring companies like Blogger and YouTube and adding new features to Google in the process. One of the new features is Google Co-op, which allows users to create customized search engines. I have done exactly that, and created the Space and Astronomy Search Engine. This search engine is now available on this page above the space feeds, or on its own page here.

Look what happens when one enters the term Hydrogen Peroxide into the Space and Astronomy Search Engine, and compare that to the results for Hydrogen Peroxide in the regular Google search engine. One needs to go to the third page of the regular Google search before seeing applications for H2O2 in the space industry, but on the Space and Astronomy Search Engine the results relevant to the use of H2O2 as an oxidizer or monopropellant, or theories that H2O2 is a naturally-occurring substance on the surface of Mars, are right there on the first page. Similarly, when one searches for Bigelow on the regular Google search engine, results on the first page include Bigelow Tea, the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, Bigelow Chemists, and Kathryn Bigelow. When searching for Bigelow in SASE the first two dozen pages are all about Bigelow Aerospace, with the first mention of the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences in a NASA article near the bottom of the 24th page.

The Space and Astronomy Search Engine is the same as the Google search engine, with one important difference. Although SASE searches the web just like the Google search engine, SASE gives the most weight in its searches to 345 space-related news sites, space reference sites, national space agencies, space businesses, and space blogs. This results in a better focus for the search.

cross-posted at Robot Guy

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